Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Operation: GO HARD Activated

Today is April 1st and we know what that means...OPERATION: GO HARD is now officially in full effect.

Every Sunday morning, I will post the dietary and fitness challenges for the week. We will stick to the regimen for the entire month of April. This week's challenges will be posted later tonight. Today is all about getting our bodies and our minds in tune with the changes that are about to occur. Consider it to be your prep or practice day. As some of you know, I am recovering from a bad car accident so this prep day will be especially beneficial.

Now keep in mind that I am in no way, shape or form a fitness or dietary expert. I research and found some stuff that seemed like it would work so we are all guinea pigs right now....but the good kind tho lol. REMEMBER TO TAKE BEFORE PICTURES AND DOCUMENT YOUR STARTING WEIGHT SO YOU CAN SEE EXACTLY HOW MUCH PROGRESS YOU MAKE ALONG THE WAY!

1. Write down your goal. At the end of this Operation, what do you hope to accomplish?
2. Keep Food Journal. Grab a pen and a notepad and write down EVERYTHING that you eat and drink. For a lot of people eating can be a subconscious thing and keeping a journal keeps us conscious of what we eat and holds us accountable for our decisions.
3. Deep Stretch for an hour. This can be yoga poses, Qigong poses, etc. Just take and hour to relax and stretch out every part of your body from the head to the feet...slowly and deliberately. Remember to use deep breathing techniques to assist with deeper stretches. Here's an example:

4. Increase Water Intake. For the entire month (and possibly longer) we will drink half our body in water in ounces EVERY day. So if you weigh 200 pounds, you must drink a minimum of 100 ounces of water a day. To make this easier for me, I buy a case of water and then reuse them and keep track of how much I drink in my Food Journal.
5. Increase Raw Veggie Intake & Decrease Meat Intake. By the end of this challenge, the goal is to eat vegetables (preferably raw) with every meal and decrease meat intake to a couple times a week or less. So for today let's make sure we are prepared for that. Make sure you have an abundance of fruits and veggies on deck. Our diet will consist of:

                    Meal: GREEN DRINK SMOOTHIE.
                    Snack: FRUIT OR VEGGIE
                    Meal: PROTEIN (Lean Meat, Beans, etc) + RAW VEGETABLES
                    Snack: FRUIT OR VEGGIE
                    Meal: PROTEIN (Lean Meat, Beans, etc) + RAW VEGETABLES

For right now, limit your meat intake to once a day. As the weeks go by, we will slowly cut out the number of days per week we eat meat period. You should eat every few hours so keep the portion sizes small.

And that's it for today. By 6am tomorrow morning, I will have listed the fitness routines and dietary plan (which won't be much different) for the rest of the week. GOOD LUCK <3

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